Гильдия: Hunters the Avalon
Kill 54,704,245
Death 66,039,202
PvE 695,437,272
Craft 18,447,133
Gather 3,613,917
Last 29.03.2024
Kill Death PvE
09.01.2023 The_Chaos_Gods 0 0 0
24.03.2023 The_Chaos_Gods 0 0 0
22.08.2023 Nordic Tribe 17,166,070 35,043,892 299,364,274
28.08.2023 Nordic Tribe 17,463,285 35,674,045 323,398,549
21.12.2023 Hunters the Avalon 37,512,846 50,758,635 510,879,538
07.01.2024 Hunters the Avalon 40,824,559 54,031,724 549,061,529
26.01.2024 Hunters the Avalon 42,900,698 55,821,334 577,181,213

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