Kill 48,713,474
Death 55,270,276
PvE 284,073,344
Craft 103,749,451
Gather 130
Last 21.03.2024
Kill Death PvE
11.10.2023 Welc0me to Albion 11,890,614 15,113,598 86,878,840
24.10.2023 Gypsies 13,094,882 16,946,897 103,144,014
29.10.2023 Just a Brawl 14,475,508 18,012,774 108,766,502
09.11.2023 Just a Brawl 17,829,557 20,795,967 114,808,811
16.12.2023 The Hypersonic 22,491,139 25,451,474 141,401,486
23.04.2024 The Hypersonic 48,713,474 55,270,276 284,073,344

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