Kill 94,172,414
Death 43,987,510
PvE 131,720,364
Craft 39,779,776
Gather 1,538,007
Last 01.06.2020
Kill Death PvE
08.08.2019 Gypsies 55,002,098 27,703,086 66,183,153
09.08.2019 FATUM 55,148,346 27,858,573 66,199,866
24.08.2019 FATUM 57,637,465 28,209,414 66,286,003
02.09.2019 Morning Band 58,654,909 28,447,420 66,452,096
27.10.2019 Morning Band 62,696,325 30,242,808 89,503,814
11.11.2019 Infernal Star 66,118,021 31,399,491 94,409,054
19.12.2019 Infernal Star 74,791,640 34,072,319 101,258,779
23.12.2019 Albion Choppers 74,920,559 34,072,319 101,271,924
25.12.2019 Albion Choppers 75,458,550 34,264,058 101,341,632
26.12.2019 Infernal Star 76,245,540 34,627,263 101,348,118
28.12.2019 Infernal Star 76,706,769 35,311,384 101,627,007
13.02.2020 The Comanche 84,065,957 38,556,595 118,704,325
17.11.2020 The Comanche 94,172,414 43,987,510 131,720,364

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