Kill 63,855,375
Death 53,491,206
PvE 518,795,762
Craft 18,331,426
Gather 4,596,771
Last 09.01.2024
Kill Death PvE
18.03.2023 The ThanatoS 49,439,629 38,468,898 299,960,534
21.03.2023 The ThanatoS 52,724,924 42,182,623 299,960,534
29.04.2023 The ThanatoS 58,828,664 46,778,390 410,916,633
29.04.2023 Falcon Blade 58,828,664 46,778,390 410,916,633
29.04.2023 Falcon Blade 58,828,664 46,778,390 410,916,633
02.05.2023 The ThanatoS 58,940,678 46,778,390 415,793,137
04.05.2023 The ThanatoS 59,313,269 47,088,851 418,383,030
24.06.2023 Totoro 60,556,403 49,059,650 444,964,403
26.06.2023 Totoro 60,556,403 49,059,650 448,492,733
03.08.2023 The Advent 61,874,502 51,093,692 488,064,566
16.08.2023 The Advent 61,874,502 51,093,692 488,064,566
16.08.2023 The ThanatoS 61,874,502 51,093,692 488,064,566
19.08.2023 The ThanatoS 62,133,242 51,180,362 489,676,030
07.01.2024 Bes 1 63,616,666 53,447,946 517,461,404
29.01.2024 Bes 1 63,855,375 53,491,206 518,795,762

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